Dili International Conference
Navigating Challenges: Law of the Sea and Maritime Dispute Settlement
15 - 16 May 2025

The Dili International Conference on Navigating Challenges: Law of the Sea and Maritime Dispute Settlement seeks to provide a platform to discuss the effectiveness of UNCLOS to resolve maritime disputes in the current complex international environment.

Maritime Boundary Agreement between Timor-Leste and Australia, 6 March 2018
Prime Minister Gusmão Meets President Prabowo

Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão meets with Indonesia’s new President Prabowo Subianto during an official visit to Indonesia in October 2024. Matters address bilaterally included the finalisation of the land and maritime boundary negotiations between Timor-Leste and Indonesia.

Timor-Leste presents submission to ICJ on Climate Change, 12 December 2024

The Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister and Chief Executive Officer of the Land and Maritime Boundary Office (LMBO), Ms. Elizabeth Exposto, as the Representative for Timor-Leste, shared the country’s perspective as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) and Least Developed Country (LDC) alongside 100 other States presenting submissions before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), in the Hague, on its landmark Advisory Opinion on the obligations of States with respect to climate change.

Launch of the "Blue Fish" Installation for the Blue Economy, 8 June 2024

Rev. Msgr. Marco Sprizzi, the Vatican’s envoy in Timor-Leste, blessed the “Peixe Azul” (Blue Fish) installed at the waterfront, in front of the Government Palace, in Dili, 8 June 2024. This Blue Fish installation is part of the Blue Economy national priority and serves as a piece of public art to raise public awareness to address plastic pollution of the ocean.

New Frontiers: the outcome of the first-ever and historic compulsory conciliation Under UNCLOS

The success of the conciliation stands as a testament to the determination of the people of Timor-Leste, who took the chance to test a procedure that had never been used before. The result is not only significant for the two neighbours across the Timor Sea, but also serves as a model for other countries around the world to resolve complex disputes peacefully using the mechanism provided for in the UN Convention.

Prime Minister Gusmão Engages Community of Naktuka, 1 February 2024

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão engages with the close-knit community of Naktuka Citrana in Oe-cusse on 1 February 2024, listening to their concerns about the unresolved land border segments between Timor-Leste and Indonesia.

Timor-Leste Attends Ninth Our Ocean Conference in Athens, 16-17 April 2024

Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão participated in the Ninth Our Ocean Conference in Athens, Greece, on April 16-17. The Prime Minister also met with Dr. Sylvia Earle, President and Chairman of Mission Blue and a globally renowned marine biologist.



This website is hosted by the Maritime Boundary Office of the Council for the Final Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries to allow readers to learn more about Timor-Leste’s pursuit of permanent maritime boundaries. The Council for the Final Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries and the Maritime Boundary Office do not accept any legal liability for any reliance placed on any information contained in this website (including external links). The information provided is a summary only and should not be relied upon as legal advice. The information and views expressed in this website and in any linked information do not constitute diplomatic representations and do not limit or otherwise affect the rights of the Council for the Final Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries, the Maritime Boundary Office or the Government of Timor-Leste. The views expressed in any linked information do not necessarily reflect the views of the Council for the Final Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries, the Maritime Boundary Office or the Government of Timor-Leste.

GFM is the acronym for “Gabinete das Fronteiras Marítimas”, which is the Portuguese translation of Maritime Boundary Office.